Complete Python Course : from Beginner to Intermediate



Anyone interested in learning Python


Looking to mater Python for your job or as a career enhancement?

Python is the most widely used programming language on the planet. In the United States, the average pay for a Python developer is $116k. That's almost $30k more than the competition!

Python is utilized by large corporations like as Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Reddit, Spotify, Quora, and others.

Its clear and beautiful syntax appeals to mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and developers.

It's the most popular language for AI and machine learning, and it's also the best language for novices to learn. Much less difficult than C++ or JavaScript!

This course covers all Python has to offer, from the fundamentals to more advanced subjects.

A great blend of theory and practice, jam-packed with real-world examples, exercises, and step-by-step answers - devoid of "fluff" and long explanation!

Learn how to use Python to automation, web development, and machine learning.

You will learn the following:

Introduction to Python course:

In this lecture you will learn the very basic of python and how python functions.

Intermediate Python- Functions, Modules, Classes and Exceptions

Beginning Python - learn programming from scratch

Introduction Data Analysis in Python

As the gatekeeper for an organization's data, the data analyst ensures that stakeholders can comprehend and utilize the data to make strategic business choices in a timely manner. It is a technical position that requires the completion of an undergraduate or master's degree in analytics, computer modeling, science, or mathematics.

Applied Data Analysis in Python - Machine learning and Data science

A frequent use of Python is in the creation and management of data structures. For example, the Pandas package provides a wide range of tools for manipulating, analyzing, and even representing data structures and complicated datasets, all in a very short amount of time.

Introduction to Deep Learning - Tensorflow for image analysis

Deep learning is a subtype of machine learning that is basically a neural network with three or more layers, as opposed to traditional machine learning. In order to "learn" from vast quantities of data, these neural networks try to mimic the activity of the human brain, but they are far from being able to match it in every respect. While a neural network with a single layer may still generate approximate predictions, the inclusion of additional hidden layers can aid in optimizing and refining the network to improve accuracy.

We had a team people editing and marketing the course, the editing was done by Mohammad Chowdhury and the marketing was done by Mohammad Chowdhury.

The course was created by professors with years of Python experience. The course content was created by Matt Williams, he is a professor with years of Python and Data Science experience, under the CC Attribution license.


Editing: Mohammad Chowdhury

Music: from Bensound

Thumbnail: by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

content creator: Matt Williams from University of Bristol

Created under CC attribution license

Who this course is for:

Anyone interested in learning Python

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