250+ Exercises - Data Science Bootcamp in Python







200+ Exercises - Programming in Python - from A to Z

210+ Exercises - Python Standard Libraries - from A to Z

150+ Exercises - Object Oriented Programming in Python - OOP

150+ Exercises - Data Structures in Python - Hands-On

100+ Exercises - Advanced Python Programming

100+ Exercises - Unit tests in Python - unittest framework

100+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - NumPy

100+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - Pandas

100+ Exercises - Python - Data Science - scikit-learn

250+ Exercises - Data Science Bootcamp in Python


SQL Bootcamp - Hands-On Exercises - SQLite - Part I

SQL Bootcamp - Hands-On Exercises - SQLite - Part II




The course consists of 250 exercises (exercises + solutions) in data science with Python.

Packages that you will use in the exercises:








Some topics you will find in the exercises:

working with numpy arrays

working with matrices

random numbers

normal distribution

image as a numpy array

working with polynomials

working with dates

dealing with missing values

working with pandas Series and DataFrames

reading/writing files

working with stock market data

creating visualizations using seaborn and plotly

preparing data to the machine learning models

feature extraction

splitting data into train and test sets

solving systems of equations

building regression and classification models

working with neural networks - TensorFlow and Keras

working with computer vision - OpenCV

This is a great test for people who are learning the Python language and are looking for new challenges. The course is designed for people who already have basic knowledge in Python and knowledge about data science libraries. Exercises are also a good test before the interview. Many popular topics were covered in this course.

Don't hesitate and take the challenge today!

Who this course is for:

everyone who wants to learn by doing
everyone who wants to improve their programming skills in Python
people who are preparing for interviews
people interested in data science
data scientists
data analytics
machine learning engineers

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