COBIT 5 Foundation refers to the entry-level exam that will help in getting the basic knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance, principles, and models. This exam provides a full understanding of the governance and management of an organization’s internal information systems and technology. Moreover, this provides top management concepts with an overview of current IT enterprise findings, identifying key problem areas of improvement.
Target Audience
The COBIT 5 foundation exam is good for organizations of all sizes and all sectors. It is also good for:
Firstly, the professionals involved in assurance, security, risk, and privacy/compliance
Secondly, business leaders and stakeholders involved in the governance and management of information and IT systems.
For better understanding check out the top roles that will be best suitable for COBIT 5 foundation exam below:
Firstly, IT Manager
Secondly, IT Quality Professionals
IT Auditors
Then, IT Consultants
Next, IT Developers
IT Operational Management
After that, ΙT Business Leadership Management
Lastly, Managers in IT Service providing firms
COBIT 5 Certification: Learning Skills
COBIT 5 certification will help in utilizing the COBIT 5 framework for achieving world-class governance of enterprise IT.
Secondly, it will help in bridging the IT department with the wider business through a common language as well as maximize the value generated by enterprise IT.
Thirdly, you will be able to understand business requirements, mission objectives, and their priorities.
Lastly, this will advance your career by providing gain knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance, principles, and models.
COBIT 5 foundation: Exam Details
COBIT 5 foundation is an entry level and closed book certification exam. In this exam, there will be 50 questions per paper. Also, the COBIT 5 Foundation Questions will be of Multiple Choice format. To complete the exam, you will get a time duration of 40 minutes. And, further, to pass the exam it is necessary to score 25 marks or more that is 50%. This COBIT 5 Foundation Exam Questions are available in English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil) and Latin Spanish language.
ISACA provided accredited training partners for COBIT 5 foundation exam:
COBIT 5: Exam Important Areas
In the COBIT 5 foundation exam, the important areas that you are:
Firstly, the IT management issues and challenges that affect enterprises.
Secondly, the five key principles of COBIT 5 for the governance and management of enterprise IT.
Thirdly, how COBIT 5 enables IT to be governed and managed in a holistic manner for the entire enterprise.
Lastly, the concepts for the implementation of COBIT 5.
Principle 1: Meeting Stakeholder Needs
Firstly, enterprises exist for creating value for their stakeholders. That is to say, enterprises have many stakeholders, and ‘creating value’ means sometimes conflicting.
Secondly, governance is about deciding and negotiating with different stakeholders’ value interests.
Thirdly, the governance system should consider all stakeholders when making a benefit, resource, and risk assessment decisions.
Next, the stakeholder needs have to be transformed into an enterprise’s practical strategy.
Lastly, the COBIT 5 goals cascade translates stakeholder needs into specific, practical, and customized goals within the context of the enterprise, IT-related goals, and enabler goals.
Principle 2: Covering the Enterprise End-to-end:
Firstly, COBIT 5 marks the governance and management of information and related technology from an enterprise-wide, end-to-end perspective. But, this means that COBIT 5 is integrating governance of enterprise IT into enterprise governance as well as it is covering all functions and processes within the enterprise.
Principle 3: Applying a Single Integrated Framework:
Firstly, COBIT 5 aligning with the latest relevant other standards and frameworks used by enterprises:
Firstly, Enterprise: COSO, COSO ERM, ISO/IEC 9000, ISO/IEC 31000
Secondly, IT-related: ISO/IEC 38500, ITIL, ISO/IEC 27000 series, TOGAF, PMBOK/PRINCE2, CMMI
But, this anyhow allows the enterprise to use COBIT 5 as the overarching governance and management framework integrator.
Lastly, the ISACA plans a capability for facilitating COBIT user mapping of practices and activities to third-party references.
Principle 4: Enabling a Holistic Approach
COBIT 5 enabling a Holistic Approach include:
Firstly, Processes. This is to describe an organized set of practices and activities for achieving certain objectives and produce a set of outputs in support of achieving overall IT-related goals
Secondly, Organisational structures. These are the key decision-making entities in an organization.
Thirdly, Culture, ethics, and behavior. This means of individuals and of the organization.
Then, Principles, policies, and frameworks. These are the vehicles for translating the desired behavior into practical guidance for day-to-day management.
Next, Information. This is general throughout any organization.
After that, Services, infrastructure, and applications. This includes the infrastructure, technology, and applications for providing the enterprise with information technology processing and services.
Lastly, People, skills, and competencies. These are linked to people and are necessary for the successful completion of all activities and for making correct decisions and taking corrective actions.
Systemic governance and management through interconnected enablers
For achieving the main goal of the enterprise, it must always consider an interconnected set of enablers. That is:
Firstly, it requires the input of other enablers to be fully effective. For example, processes need information, organizational structures need skills and behavior.
Secondly, it is delivering output for providing benefits for other enablers. For example, processes that deliver information, skills and behavior make processes efficient.
Principle 5: Separating Governance From Management:
Firstly, the COBIT 5 framework provides a clear distinction between governance and management. Where these two disciplines are responsible for:
Encompassing different types of activities
Requiring different organizational structures
Serving different purposes
Governance refers to the responsibility of the board of directors under the leadership of the chairperson.
Secondly, it ensures that stakeholders’ needs, conditions, and options are evaluated for determining balanced, agreed-on enterprise objectives to be achieved.
Next, it sets direction through prioritization and decision making. Thus, monitoring performance and compliance against agreed-on direction and objectives (EDM).
Management is the responsibility of executive management under the leadership of the CEO. It is for planning, building, running, and monitoring activities in alignment with the direction that is set by the governance body for achieving the enterprise objectives (PBRM).
Who this course is for:
All Levels
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