The Enlightened Leader© Program



A passion to learn and leader others
An ability to unlearn and relearn
Be ready to embark on a new leadership journey
Recognise a new form of leadership is required


The Enlightened Leader© -  Leadership traits and skills for the 21st century and beyond!

The Enlightened Leader© Program is a new leadership manifesto for the decade ahead – it recognises the need and rise of a purpose powered, human-centred and community-driven approach to leadership, today and moving forward.

Over the last few years, the world has been turned up side down! For business, this comes amidst a perfect storm of disruptors that have been bubbling away for some time now – digital transformation, workforce transformation, new ways of working and hyper competition, to name a few. Add to these, the global pandemic, along with political, environmental and financial uncertainty, there is a clear and urgent need for strong, supportive leadership.

 Based upon a new research study conducted across 4 regions and 27 countries and input from 2000 leaders and employees survey, you will learn:

The emerging leadership traits and skills most in demand for the decades ahead  - A new leadership manifesto for the 21st century

The three key imperatives for leading into the future, today; Human centred leadership, Business centred leadership and Community centred leadership.

The Enlightened Leader© Model, a solid framework that encompasses the three imperatives for leaders and a personal blueprint for personal and professional development as a leader!

Insights into what the major leadership challenges ahead and how to over come them

Who this course is for:

Those aspiring to lead teams or organisations into the future
Leaders that are aware that they need to develop and up-skill for the future
Organisational leaders that want to establish a fresh look at leading into the future
Leaders at every level in an organisation that want to feel equipped and confident to lead into the future
Leaders that wish to base their professional development on globally conducted leadership research

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